Kleinburg Integrative Health:

Healthy Hormones!
Does it seem like ever since you hit your 40s or 50s you just haven’t felt the same?
Weight Gain, Hot Flashes, Sleep Disruption, Fatigue, Anxiety and Cycle Changes just to name a few…
All of these symptoms can be related to a hormone imbalance. Healthy hormone levels can improve how you think, feel, see yourself, behave and age; so rebalancing them is critical not just to relieve uncomfortable symptoms but also to stop the progression to a more deep rooted illness.
How we can help…
The KIH Healthy Hormones Program will help you to achieve optimal health from the inside out. The program offers an individualized assessment coupled with a nutritional program, hormone balance botanicals and/or bioidentical hormone replacement prescriptions, stress management and exercise guidelines.
The Result? Safe and effective personalized care that supports a comfortable and graceful transition to a healthy balanced life.
Learn How To Ease Your Way Through Hormonal Distress Such As PMS, Peri-menopause and Menopause Gracefully by reading more here:
The OUTCOME? A newer, happier and more comfortable YOU!
Don’t waste another day not feeling your best. Fill out your contact information on the side or call the clinic to schedule either an informatory consultation or your first appointment with either Dr. Slipacoff, ND or Dr. Cardona, ND.