Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom
Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom

Welcome to KIH Clinic!
We are a full service wellness clinic with a team of experienced and highly capable healthcare practitioners ready to help you. All clinic practitioners are extremely passionate about patient care and use the most up-to-date assessments and treatment plans. Read on about our Kleinburg Integrative Health Clinic Services, Healthcare Team and Treatment Plans by clicking on the related link. If you have any questions, we welcome you to ask them by calling, emailing or submitting your question on our Contact Form.

How We Can Help You
We are here to help you work through whatever concern is keeping you from achieving your greatest health. The Naturopathic Doctors have accumulated a wealth of useful information about our comprehensive approach to treating some of the more common health concerns we see in clinic. Read on to learn more about your specific condition(s) and the associated treatment plans available at the clinic.

Personalized Lab Testing
When was your last comprehensive lab work up and health review? And when was the last time a healthcare practitioner reviewed the test report in detail with you? All too often, no news is good news when it comes to lab reports, leaving patients unaware about what was ordered, and whether or not any of the levels were borderline and require attention. Don’t be left in the dark! It’s time to become better informed. Our Naturopathic Doctors take the time to learn more about their patients, and only then will they advise on the labs best suited to them. They also review the results in detail, paying special attention to borderline levels so that a focus on preventation can be applied. Read more about the various lab panels they offer: COMPREHENSIVE LAB TESTING.
If you are interested in acheiving better health, then test, don’t guess! Take action now by scheduling a complete diagnostic work up.

IV Vitamin Drips
KIH offers a comfortable IV area where patients may receive a variety of intravenous vitamin treatments. IV vitamin drips are an innovative treatment where vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are supplied directly into the blood stream through an intravenous drip. It is a safe and effective treatment that supports the resolution of many health problems including frequent infections, fatigue and stress and anxiety. Read about our IV drip formula’s and decide which is best suited for you!
Helpful Resources
At KIH Clinic we are dedicated to keep you informed on the today’s latest healthcare tips.
We also want to keep it fun and give you an opportunity to learn more about us and our clinic.