Chronic Pain Syndromes

Chronic Pain Syndromes

Are You Plagued by Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain is a common reason for patient visits to doctors or other healthcare practitioners. Fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are two of the more common causes of chronic pain, and finding an effective treatment solution is not easy. These two conditions share many symptoms, to the extent that some references believe they are on the same spectrum of a single condition. In FMS, pain is the main concern, while in CFS, low energy is more dominant. Other common complaints are receiving a non-restorative sleep, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), headaches, impaired cognition and mood concerns including anxiety and depression.
A variety of medications are often used to treat these conditions including muscle relaxants, antidepressants, nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids, steroids and even anti convulsion medications. The results are mixed however and no standard treatment is available thus far.

What are my natural treatment options?
Our Naturopathic Doctors will conduct a complete health and lifestyle assessment to identify any underlying issues that may be contributing to your chronic pain concerns. They will also advise you on any additional diagnostic testing that may help to uncover relatead issues such as nutritional deficiencies or biochemical imbalances. When enough information has been gathered, your naturopathic doctor will devise a treatment plan that includes one or a combination of the following naturopathic treatments:
Additional Integrative Therapies Available for Treating Acute and Chronic Pain
Chiropractic Medicine: If pain is present, consider making an appointment with our Chiropractic doctor. Dr. Galati uses a combination of soft tissue therapies and manipulations to correct vertebral and muscular misalignments. He also uses other natural acupuncture with electro-stimulation and active release therapy as indicated with his patients.
Osteopathic manual therapies are also very helpful in treating acute and chronic pain. Osteopaths use more subtle techniques and adjustments to rebalance the patients musculoskeletal and physiological systems.
Registered massage therapy is a common treatment used to relax tense muscles including muscle spasms.
Unsure which therapy to choose? Schedule a free meet and greet with our clinic director, Dr. Susan Slipacoff, ND below and she will help you to decide which approach, or combination of approaches is best for you.

Start today!
As with many other chronic conditions, taking a natural approach to decreasing pain can lead to a more long lasting solution then being dependent on medication alone. By using evidence based treatments and supporting beneficial lifestyle modifications, you have a greater chance of eliminating pain, and at the very least, managing it better. Other common benefits include improvements with mood, sleep, digestive dysfunction and an overall enhanced sense of wellbeing. Don’t waste another day not feeling your best!