Kleinburg Integrative Health:
Digestive Concerns
Digestive Concerns
KIH: Digestive Concerns
Symptoms and Causes of Digestive Health Concerns
Simple indigestion affects nearly everyone from time to time, and though it is not considered to be a serious health condition, it can be quite bothersome. Digestive complaints can be the result of many issues such as a poor diet, an altered gut microbial balance, chronic infection, stress, H. pylori infection and/or gluten sensitivity just to name a few. It is typically characterized by abdominal discomfort that often occurs after eating a meal, but it may not always be related to food. Symptoms also include heartburn, bloating, stomach pain, passing gas, belching, diarrhea, constipation and/or nausea. A complete health review, possibly including a detailed lab work up is always an important first step towards identifying the cause and to ruling in or out other more serious health concerns including any one of the ones listed below.
For more information about our comprehensive approach to treating digestive concerns, read more about our treatment plan below, or schedule an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors.
The Following Are Links To The Digestive Health Conditions Treated By Our Naturopathic Doctors:
Click on any of the above conditions to learn more about their approach to treatment. The benefits of optimizing your digestive health are life long. By implementing the healthy lifestyle practices we recommend in our digestive healing plan, you will likely notice an improved mood, energy levels and body composition, along with an enhanced sense of overall health and wellbeing.