First Line Therapy
First Line Therapy
A lifestyle-first 3 month weight optimization plan
Are you feeling heavy, bloated and not at all comfortable in your own skin? If so, let us help you get your health back on track! It’s amazing how great you can feel when in a consistent routine that incorporates healthy food, physical activity and sufficient down time to recharge. However as many of us are aware, it’s not always easy to get to that good place. Sometimes we all need a helping hand and some accountability. The first line therapy plan is led by our Naturopathic Doctors. It is a practical and highly effective program that incorporates coaching and lifestyle modifications to help you reach and maintain your weight loss goals.
What Can I Expect?
Your initial appointment will include a complete assessment of your current concerns, health history, body composition tests and waist:hip measurements to provide a basis for comparison during future appointments. Relevant laboratory and functional testing will also be discussed including potential nutrient deficiencies, food intolerance and hormone testing if indicated. During the second appointment you will receive a balanced and phytonutrient-dense nutrition plan along with personalized supplement recommendations based on your current health and long term goals. If you are not already active, practical exercise and stress management guidelines will also be reviewed.
Follow-up appointments will be conducted at 2-4 week intervals to provide guidance and the inspiration necessary to maintaining your weight loss success. Troubleshooting, new and interesting meal plan recommendations, timely body composition testing along with waist-hip re-measurements will also be performed to track your progress.
Once successfully completing this program, you will walk away with lifetime lessons about important nutritional practices that will keep you feeling good for years to come.